Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Telor Ceplok (Fried Egg)

Bahan (ingredients):

Telor, secukupnya (eggs, as many as you like)
Garam, secukupnya (salt, as much as you want)
Merica, secukupnya (pepper, as much as you can bear)
Minyak sayur, 2-3 sdm (vegetable oil, 2-3 tbsp)

Alat (equipments):
Wajan (fried pan)

Cara membuat (preparation)
1. Panaskan minyak (boil the oil)
2. Pecahkan telor (put the egg), tambahkan garam dan merica (add salt and pepper)
3. Goreng sampai matang (fried until cooked)
4. Sajikan bersama nasi putih dan kecap manis (served with rice and sweet soya sauce)


Blogger Patrick said...

Dari ari (from ari)
Telur ceplok ae kok dibikin resep !!!

Ini aku beri resep baru..... (with this I give you a new recipe)


Bahan (ingredients):

Indomie instan, secukupnya (instant noodles, as many as you like)
Air, secukupnya juga (water,as much as you can bear)

Alat (equipments):
Panci (boiling pan)
Piring/mangkok (plate/bowl)

Cara membuat (preparation):
1. Panaskan air sampai mendidih (boil the water)
2. Pecahkan bungkus indomie, masukkan mie instant kedalam air mendidih, rebus 3-7 menit (unwrap the packaging of the noodle, insert into boiling water, boil for about 3-7 minute )
3. Masukkan semua bumbu instan ke dalam piring/mangkok (add all of the spices on the plate/bowl)
4. Tiriskan mie instan, campurkan dengan bumbu yang sudah disiapkan di piring/mangkok (Separate instan noodle from water, mix the noodle with the spices on the pre-prepared plate/bowl )
5. SAJIKAN MIE GORENG INSTANT DENGAN TELOR CEPLOK-RESEP ARUMDATI DIATASNYA (serve the instant noodle with fried egg from Arumdati's Recipes)

-----BON APPETITE------ENJOY------------

January 24, 2005 at 4:09 AM  
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